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Branding a business or product involves the repeated use of proprietary design elements throughout all advertising and promotions, in order to create a consistent look, feel, and identity.

JBD can help you create all aspects of your brand and assist you with how your brand is advertised. The key is to first establish the fundamental parts of your brand such as the logo, website, and social media presence and then expand the brand from there.

There are a lot of advertising options for your brand, both online and in the real world, from small digital graphic ads to large freeway billboards. JBD works closely with business owners to help determine what brand advertising options to utilize, depending on the client's budget and their desired end-result.

Copywriting uses words to describe a product or business, to entice the reader, and to invite the potential consumer to take part in and purchase what's being adverstised.

JBD offers strong copywriting skills that describe and enhance businesses and their brands. The main focus of good copywriting is to paint a clear picture of your brand that is easily conveyed to the reader.

Although it looks simple when it's done well, getting to the heart of a brand or a business with copywriting is a relatively complex job. JBD excels at simplifying the process of creating good copy for various graphic design elements that serve your brand and your business.

JBD also offers technical writing and evaluation for businesses, lawyers, and various products. Creating clarity and ease of understanding are the keys to good technical writing. With over 45 years of writing experience, JBD is hired to work on existing projects as well as creating and completing new projects from their inception.

Social Media Networking & Online Business Listings help introduce you and your business to an ever-growing and potentially unlimited audience.

In addition to traditional advertising such as ads, brochures and mailers, there are many online options that exist to help spread the word about your business. Using social media and creating online business listings allows the business or business owner to be more one-to-one with their customers. By creating social media accounts, managing profiles and business updates, and offering online specials on websites such as Facebook, Twitter, Linkedin, Google+, YP, Yahoo, AOL, and Yelp, you can expand the awareness of and grow a community for your business.

Like all efforts to market a business and engage with your customer base, utilizing online marketing of any kind takes time and a commitment towards consistency. It is important to have an understanding as to what you want to share, why you are sharing it, and what results you want to get from your online interactions with people that may become potential customers.

JBD offers guidance around the intial set up of these accounts, helping teach the business owner how to work with these accounts, as well as offering ongoing social media networking services for businesses who don't want to be hands on with it themselves.