PAINTINGS 071 - 080
These pages are in the process of being created -- check back for updates.
NOTE: These pages are best viewed on a screen larger than a cell phone in order to really see the paintings. It's important to take your time looking at these paintings, to go slowly and let your eyes and brain digest them over time. I've never been interested in making paintings that reveal themselves easily or that are about one thing. I've always loved paintings that can be discovered and then rediscovered, seeing different things each time you look at them. This website is going to be here for a long time so you can take your time, which will make a huge wonderful difference in the end.
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No. 071 -
Danger Of Our Own Making Ahead
Acrylic on watercolor paper - 12 in. x 9 in.
Friday 7/20/1990 - Collection of the Artist
No. 072 -
Sometimes I Dream Awake
Acrylic on metal car stereo speaker cover - 6-3/4 in. x 8 in.
Friday 8/24/1990 - Private Collection
No. 073 -
That Moment Just Before Deep Sleep
Acrylic on metal car stereo speaker cover - 8 in. x 6-3/4 in.
Friday 8/24/1990 - Private Collection
No. 074 -
When The Fog Rolls In
Acrylic on watercolor paper - 12 in. x 9 in.
Sunday 8/26/1990 - Private Collection
No. 075 -
Time To Move On
Acrylic on canvas - 24 in. x 18 in.
Friday 9/21/1990 - Collection of the Artist
Time To Move On is all about me feeling capable and satisfied. Arriving with ease from the immediacy of my imagination, I only used three main colors in various shades and recall this painting happening almost without effort or concern. I consider this a perfect picture whereby I see no hesitation, no hiccups, no hard decisions, and no struggle when I look at it. Like Painting 040 Life Before Baseball, when viewing this one I also just think "YES."

With Paintings 092, 042, 075, & 068 clockwise from top,
in the 944 Page St. studio, San Francisco, 1992
Initial drawing leading up to first Club & Spade paintings:
Spades Drawing 1
Crayon on paper - 11 in. x 14 in.
Tuesday 10/6/1990 - Collection of the Artist
Initial drawing leading up to first Club & Spade paintings:
Spades Drawing 2
Crayon on paper - 11 in. x 14 in.
Tuesday 10/6/1990 - Collection of the Artist
Initial drawing leading up to first Club & Spade paintings:
Clubs Drawing 1
Crayon on paper - 11 in. x 14 in.
Tuesday 10/12/1990 - Collection of the Artist
Initial drawing leading up to first Club & Spade paintings:
Club & Spades Drawing 1
Marker ink on paper - 11 in. x 14 in.
Tuesday 10/12/1990 - Collection of the Artist
No. 076 -
The Chance Of A Lifetime
Club & Spade Series No. 1
Acrylic on watercolor paper - 9 in. x 12 in.
Tuesday 10/23/1990 - Collection of the Artist
In my state of bliss after completing No. 075 Time To Move On, I had been thinking about the dark side of the four playing card suits that originated in France: Clubs and Spades. I always appreciated these two suits in contrast to their red counter-suits: Hearts and Diamonds - I liked that they were black and that they both were elegant and so clearly related to each other in style, shape and form. So I decided to play them, so to speak, and play with them in my paintings. Little did I know with the completion of this first painting how these two incredible suits or symbols or things would evolve in my imagination and in future paintings.
No. 077 -
Club & Spade Series No. 2
Acrylic on watercolor paper - 9 in. x 12 in.
Tuesday 10/23/1990 - Private Collection
Still working on watercolor paper, these first Club & Spade paintings were painted in the same minimalist spirit as the previous watercolor paper paintings, laying down loose brush strokes and arriving at the final picture without much thought or use of paint. The freedom I was experiencing to not continue adding layers of color or paint was exhilarating. And I really enjoyed what I was seeing develop even without all that additional time and labor being spent.
No. 078 -
Let's Call A Spade A Spade
Club & Spade Series No. 3
Acrylic on watercolor paper - 12 in. x 9 in.
Wednesday 10/24/90 - Private Collection
No. 079 -
5, 4, 3, 2, 1 - Look Out Marriage Here I Come!
Acrylic on watercolor paper and plywood - 9 in. x 12 in.
Thursday 5/30/1990 - Private Collection
No. 080 -
Club & Spade Series No. 4
Acrylic on museum board - 11-5/8 in. x 10-1/8 in.
Sunday 12/16/90 - Private Collection
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